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Frequently asked questions

I signed up. Now what?
You can start using BlakeBill free, freelancer or agency immediately after completing your payment. We will also send you a confirmation email with your paid invoice attached.

With your upgraded plan, you can send larger transfers, or send a transfer with a payment attached, right away. Additionally, you can adjust the expiration dates of any previous transfers sent under any plan to suit your needs.
My clients need to sign up too, right?
When you use BlakeBill, anyone can download your files without needing to log in or sign up. They’ll just need to accept our Terms of Service and possibly agree to our cookie policy.
As a user, what payment methods can I use?
We offer multiple payment options to cater to your clients. However to use the payment collection option, you must have a stripe account.

Clients can conveniently pay using PayPal or major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Additionally, we support various other online payment systems in select countries for added flexibility.

Please note that we do not accept direct bank transfers due to our subscription model, which requires signing up for recurring yearly or monthly payments. Rest assured, we’ll notify you via email before initiating any subscription charges for the first time, ensuring transparency and giving you ample notice.
Woah Woah Woah. What is this service fee?
When it comes to managing your finances on Blakebill as a Starter, Freelancer, or Agency, one key aspect to consider is the percentage deducted from your earnings. This is quite straightforward – Blakebill takes a flat 5%, 10%, or 15% service fee from each sale you make, depending on the plan you’re subscribed to. These rates remain consistent across all services and price points, ensuring simplicity in its approach.

To illustrate, suppose you’ve just completed a project priced at $100. Blakebill’s share would be $20, leaving you with $80. Whether you’re a graphic designer, digital marketer, or voice-over artist, this rule applies uniformly. It’s akin to having Blakebill as your business partner, where for every five dollars you earn, they take a portion as their share for providing the platform and tools connecting you with clients.

This service fee covers various amenities provided by Blakebill to enhance your selling experience, such as payment processing, marketing, customer service, and platform maintenance. It’s similar to paying rent for a shop in a bustling mall – you benefit from the location and foot traffic, but there’s a cost for that prime real estate.

While some may hesitate at the idea of sacrificing a portion of their earnings, it’s essential to consider the value Blakebill offers in return. Access to a global customer base, secure payment processing, and exposure in a competitive marketplace are significant benefits that can outweigh the service fee.

Understanding this service fee is crucial for pricing your services effectively. When setting your rates, factor in this deduction to ensure your take-home pay aligns with your financial goals. It’s about striking a balance that satisfies both you and your clients, fostering a fruitful and sustainable freelancing journey on Blakebill.
You're not looking at my files, are you?
Nope, it's pretty straightforward.

As a general guideline, we don't mind what you send, provided it complies with our Terms of Service and Content Moderation policy. Stick to our rules, and we won't interfere with your transfers.
And you're not altering my files, right?
We don't have the ability to alter or add anything to your transfers, even if we wanted to!

Our sole action is to zip your files to facilitate both upload and download processes. In short, we don't monitor file contents (unless it violates our terms), nor do we modify any aspect of your transfers. You remain the owner of your files and thus bear sole responsibility for what you upload.

For added file protection, they undergo encryption during transfer (TLS) and storage (AES-256). After securely storing your files, access is restricted to only those with the unique links provided to the sender and receiver.
Is my data secure?
Blakebill takes data security seriously, employing various measures to ensure the safety and privacy of user information and files.

Blakebill implements several safety protocols to ensure the security of its platform:

1. Encryption: Blakebill uses encryption techniques to protect data during both transfer and storage. This means that files uploaded to the platform are encrypted before transmission and remain encrypted on their servers.

2. Secure Transfers: Files sent through Blakebill are transferred using secure HTTPS connections, which encrypt the data during transit. This prevents unauthorized access or interception of files while they are being transferred.

3. Password Protection: Users have the option to add password protection to their transfers. This ensures that only intended recipients with the correct password can access the files, adding an extra layer of security.

4. Expiry Dates: Blakebill allows users to set expiry dates for their transfers. After the specified period, the transfer link expires, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to files over time.

5. Limited Access: Blakebill restricts access to user data and files to authorized personnel only. They have strict policies and procedures in place to prevent unauthorized access or sharing of information.

6. Compliance: Blakebill complies with industry standards and regulations regarding data protection and privacy. For example, they adhere to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines, ensuring that the data of EU users is handled securely and in accordance with legal requirements.

Overall, Blakebill prioritizes the security of user data and employs various safety protocols to protect information throughout the transfer process.

To ensure the security of your ideas and prevent any potential breaches or exploitation, we employ robust encryption protocols. Your files are encrypted during transfer using TLS (Transport Layer Security) and remain encrypted with AES-256 encryption while stored. Access to your stored files is restricted solely to the sender and recipient, who can only access them through unique links provided during the transfer process.
How does stripe payouts work?
Payment information and funds are managed directly by Stripe, ensuring secure transactions. Payouts are usually processed within 2-7 business days, with timing varying based on the seller's country. These payouts are transferred to the bank account associated with the initial setup of your Stripe business account.

Start sending with .blakebill
Simple transfers, big Impact.

Multiple uploads
Payment gateway
Generate links
Expire Date
Password protect
Fraud protection, zero liability.
Fraud protection, zero liability.
No personal guarantee
Cards for your whole team.
Cards for your whole team.